Sacraments![]() Baptism: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first Sunday of each Month after the 11:30AM Mass at 12:30PM in the church. Please contact the rectory at (401) 658-2084 or visit one of the priests after any weekend Mass in Church for more information.
First Communion: First Communion preparation is offered through the Religious Education Program. All students (including those who attend Catholic School) must register for Grade 2. Attendance in Grade 1 is only mandatory for students not attending Catholic School. Please contact Mrs. Patti Tessier, Administrator of Religious Education, at the CCD office (401) 658-0734 for more details. Information pertaining to Religious Education can be found on the right of this page. ![]() Penance (Confession): Preparation for the Sacrament of Penance is offered through the Religious Education Program. All students (including those who attend Catholic School) must register for Grade 2. Attendance in Grade 1 is only mandatory for students not attending Catholic School. Penance is celebrated prior to First Communion and is required for First Communion. Please contact Mrs. Francine Salinger, Administrator of Religious Education, at the CCD office (401) 658-0734 for more details. More information pertaining to Religious Education can be found on the right of this page.
Confirmation: Preparation for Confirmation is offered through the Religious Education Program. It is a two-year program starting in Grade 9 and completing in Grade 10. All students (including those who attend Catholic School) must register for Grade 10. Attendance in Grade 9 is only mandatory for students not attending Catholic School. Please contact the the CCD office (401) 658-0734 for more details. More information pertaining to Religious Education can be found on the right of this page. Marriage: Please contact the rectory at least one year in advance. A meeting with a Parish Priest is required before any arrangements can be made. Holy Orders: If you are discerning a vocation to the priesthood and would like to serve God at His holy altar by preaching the Gospel, celebrating the Sacraments, and serving those in need, please visit for more information. Anointing of the Sick: Please contact the rectory at (401) 658-2084 if one is ill, elderly, or in the hospital and in need of the Sacrament of the sick. Funerals: For more information contact the rectory at (401)658-2084.
Communion Calls: If you or someone you know is unable to receive the Holy Eucharist at Mass because they are unable to get to Church (due to illness, handicap, or old age), please contact the rectory at (401) 658-2084. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): For any unbaptized person, for any adult baptized non-Catholic who is looking to convert to Catholicism or any adult baptized Catholic who is in need of receiving Penance, First Communion, and Confirmation, please contact the rectory at (401) 658-2084 for more information. |
Religious Education / S.P.R.E.DReligious Education
Schedule: September-April Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
Grades 6-9
Grade 10 (Confirmation Class)
*The Religious Education Registration form can be downloaded here. It can be returned by mail or be dropped off through the drop-off slot within the glass-enclosed side office entry to rectory. Students entering the program for the first time must also submit a copy of their baptism certificate and, if transferring from another parish, submit documentation from previous parish for Grades completed (if any). *All detailed Schedules and forms can be found on the Bulletin & Links page. **Any class cancellations will be posted under announcements on the Home page of this website and the news channels 10 and 12. For more information about Religious Education, please contact Mrs. Patti Tessier, Administrator, at (401) 658-0734. S.P.R.E.D Parish SPRED Program Matthew Perry phone: 401-658-1174 fax: 401-658-1257 email: The Office of the Apostolate for the Handicapped in the Diocese of Providence provides services to persons with developmental disabilities through parish SPRED Communities. One of the SPRED centers is here at St. Joan's Church in the School. Click here to visit our SPRED web page - there you'll find information about upcoming events and be able to access & read SPRED flyers & documents. Click the image below to see our brochure... |